Top "Bdd" questions

BDD stands for Behavior Driven Development.

Getting "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/platform/engine/DiscoverySelector" trying to run Serenity JBheave

Created a new generic Serenity BDD JBehave framework with Maven ( via command line). Imported the project into Intelli J but …

java maven testing bdd jbehave
Speeding up RSpec tests in a large Rails application

I have a Rails application with over 2,000 examples in my RSpec tests. Needless to say, it's a large application and …

ruby-on-rails ruby unit-testing rspec bdd
What's a good way to reuse test code using Jasmine?

I'm using the Jasmine BDD Javascript library and really enjoying it. I have test code that I'd like to reuse (…

javascript bdd jasmine
MangoDB.service failed with result exit-code

I can't start mongoDB with the command "sudo systemctl start mongod". I'm getting the following message : ● mongod.service - MongoDB …

bdd mangodb
What javascript mocking frameworks are people using?

I'm using Jasmine for testing client & server side javascript and need to do some mocking. Has anyone got any …

javascript node.js tdd mocking bdd
Cucumber ordering of Given, When, Then (Given, When, Then, When, Then)

As an End-to-end Automation Tester I have always assumed that Given, When, Then statements (incorporated in the Gherkin Language when …

cucumber bdd gherkin jbehave
Escape characters in Cucumber step definition

I have following steps that I am using for Cucumber-jvm. How do I escape certain characters in my step definitions? …

escaping cucumber bdd gherkin cucumber-java
jasmine.js expect() does not work inside an asynchronous callback

I'm getting acquainted with Jasmine ( and found something rather baffling: it("should be able to …

javascript ajax bdd jasmine
Factory Girl: How to set up a has_many/through association

I've been struggling with setting up a has_many/through relationship using Factory Girl. I have the following models: class …

ruby-on-rails bdd factory-bot
How to run @RunWith(Cucumber.class) step by step

I'm working on a BDD file and trying to test with JUnit. I want to use RunCukesTest class with @RunWith(…

java junit cucumber bdd cucumber-jvm