Top "Cucumber-java" questions

Cucumber-JVM is a pure Java implementation of Cucumber that supports the most popular programming languages for the JVM.

Cucumber 1.2.4 not finding step definitions: "You can implement missing steps with the snippets below" (2016)

I'm trying to run Cucumber with Maven on a UNIX-like (unfortunately I'm forced to use Windows, though cmd.exe has …

cucumber java-7 cucumber-java
Cucumber `--tags` options from command line?

What i would like to do is to pass cucumber options from command line to execute scenarios with tag name @…

cucumber cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java
Running Cucumber tests directly from executable jar

I have a project with cucumber and maven also I am using the JUnit. I am able to run and …

maven cucumber cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java
Java Cucumber: How to get string parameter values from all the steps in a single scenario

I'm looking for a way to get all the parameters that are being passed in each step before entering the …

cucumber gherkin cucumber-java feature-file
Using Cucumber with IntelliJ

Does anyone knows why 'Cucumber Java' does not appear in "Edit Configurations -> Defaults -> ???? even though my …

intellij-idea cucumber cucumber-java
what is the difference between io.cucumber and info.cukes

I am trying to integrate BDD using Cucumber. But I am really confused what is the difference between io.cucumber …

cucumber cucumber-java cucumber-junit
Escape characters in Cucumber step definition

I have following steps that I am using for Cucumber-jvm. How do I escape certain characters in my step definitions? …

escaping cucumber bdd gherkin cucumber-java
How to create dynamic glue in cucumber java based on the feature file location?

I am having a java project which is built using maven. I have multiple packages,feature files based on different …

java cucumber cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java
How to read data from external file in cucumber instead of mentioning huge data's in example section? I am using Cucumber-jvm

@@file_name Feature: Addition In order to avoid silly mistakes As a math idiot I want to be told the …

cucumber-jvm cucumber-java
How do I run my cucumber-jvm features in parallel? (with maven using cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin)

I am trying to incorporate a maven plugin cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin into my Cucumber-JVM code and am running into some problems... I …

maven cucumber cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java