Top "Cucumber-java" questions

Cucumber-JVM is a pure Java implementation of Cucumber that supports the most popular programming languages for the JVM.

Cucumber DataTable Error - io.cucumber.datatable.UndefinedDataTableTypeException: Can't convert DataTable to cucumber.api.DataTable

Trying to run a scenario with cucumber/selenium/java/intelliJ, but getting an error regarding the DataTable in one of …

java selenium cucumber cucumber-java
How to get scenario name from a scenario outline in cucumber using java

Suppose I have a test case like - *Scenario: Facebook login test GIVEN I am a Facebook user WHEN I …

java cucumber cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java
Cucumber Java - How to use returned String from a step in next step?

I need to automate some webservices, i create some methods for that and i want to use Cucumber for that …

java cucumber cucumber-java
After Scenario Outline hook in Cucumber

I'm using Java and Cucumber. I need to do some actions after every scenario outline. I know there are @Before …

java testing cucumber hook cucumber-java
Serenity BDD test cases are not running on Chrome browser

My Serenity BDD test cases are running fine on firefox when I used below annotations in step definition file: @Managed …

junit4 bdd cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java
Running Cucumber project using from another main method

I am new to Cucumber and trying to solve simple issue: I have created a Java Project and referred all …

java cucumber bdd cucumber-jvm cucumber-java
Cucumber Java screenshots

Is there a way to take screenshots in between steps in Java Cucumber ? I have the following scenario : @Scenario_1 Given …

java junit cucumber screenshot cucumber-java