BDD stands for Behavior Driven Development.
BDD is an "outside-in" methodology, which as I understand it, means you start with what you know. You write your …
testing bddRuby/Rails enjoy some really nice and powerful Behavior Driven Design/Development testing frameworks like Cucumber and RSpec. Does Python/…
python ruby-on-rails django testing bddWe recently started using Behave (github link) for BDD of a new python web service. Question Is there any way …
cucumber bdd jbehave nbehave python-behaveI am very much a fan of BDD and Behat for PHP. Is there something equivalent for Javascript, ie, that …
javascript unit-testing cucumber bdd javascript-frameworkConsider the following jasmine spec: describe("something.act()", function() { it("calls some function of my module", function() { var mod = require(…
javascript node.js bdd stub jasmineThere are couple of filters on the page and I would like to verify the default filter values. I'm not …
php css-selectors bdd behat minkThe Specification By Example book states the non-functional requirements (commonly referred to as NFRs) can be specified using examples. I've …
bdd specifications user-storiesI am trying to find why specflow is needed for developing BDD test automation framework using .NET. As Cucumber itself …
cucumber bdd specflowThe scenario is this: We are using JBehave and Selenium for system, integration and end to end testing. I am …
java logging selenium-webdriver bdd jbehave