Top "Background-color" questions

"background-color" is a CSS property used to define the background color of an element.

Change UITable section backgroundColor without loosing section Title

i have changed the backgroundColor/backgroundImage of my tableviews sections. I am using plain tableView. No worries, get worked without …

ios title background-color sectionheader
How to change the Background color of JMenuBar and JToolBar?

I want to change the background color of JMenuBar and JToolBar. For that I had tried but not working. I …

java swing background-color jmenubar jtoolbar
Background with 2 colors in JavaFX?

In JavaFX 2, using CSS, is it possible to create a background with 2 colors? Think of e.g. a TableCell with …

css javafx-2 tableview cell background-color
WPF Changing ListboxItem Highlight Color when Selected

I've got a problem with setting the HighlightBrushKey of a SelectedItem of a Listbox in WPF. My intention was to …

wpf background-color listboxitem
QToolBar background color only applies to actions

I am trying to set the bacground color of a QToolBar in Qt designer with the following in stylesheet background : …

c++ qt background-color qtoolbar
Sidemenu background-color in Ionic-v4

I have a Ionic-v4-app with an side-menu structured like that: <ion-app> <ion-split-pane> <ion-menu> &…

css ionic-framework background background-color side-menu
java.lang.illegalstateexception: a factory has already been set on this layoutinflater

I have tried to change the background color of options menu in my android app. I am using ActionBarSherlock library. …

android background-color options-menu android-optionsmenu oncreateoptionsmenu
Netbeans 8.0.2 Output Window

I would like to change the output window color from the default white to black or some other color. I …

background-color netbeans-8
background css 100% width horizontal scroll issue

I am facing this issue when i scroll the window to horizontal then the footer and header breaks. Please help …

css width footer background-color horizontal-scrolling
Changing the background color of a table cell in matlab using html content

we know that uitable supports html content for an example similar to what I want see here to solve the …

matlab user-interface cell background-color matlab-uitable