Top "Oncreateoptionsmenu" questions

onCreateOptionsMenu inside Fragments

I have placed setHasOptionsMenu(true) inside onCreateView, but I still can't call onCreateOptionsMenu inside fragments. @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater …

android android-fragments layout-inflater oncreateoptionsmenu
onCreateOptionsMenu is never called

I am having some trouble getting an options menu working in Android. I have built apps before, and they all …

android oncreateoptionsmenu
Implementing an option menu in Android Studio

How do I implement an option menu in my android application? I tried code from Android Developer but I get …

android android-layout android-studio android-manifest oncreateoptionsmenu
What is the difference between onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) and onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu)?

Explain difference between onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) and onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu).

android android-menu oncreateoptionsmenu
onCreateOptionsMenu is not called

I have simple application. Here is public class MyActivity extends Activity { /** * Called when the activity is first created. */ @…

android oncreateoptionsmenu
call onCreateOptionsMenu in onPostCreate

I want to dynamically change the onCreateOptionsMenu items. I have rectified my problem and the only solution is to call …

android oncreateoptionsmenu
onCreate, onCreateOptionsMenu, onResume, what is the order of execution?

I'm sorry if this question was asked before... Well anyway as what the title asked, when does onCreateOptionsMenu executed? before …

android android-activity oncreate onresume oncreateoptionsmenu
Android Studio error: ';' expected

I am new to Android development, When Android Studio in "MainActivity" class is compiled I get the following error I …

android android-studio main-activity oncreateoptionsmenu
java.lang.illegalstateexception: a factory has already been set on this layoutinflater

I have tried to change the background color of options menu in my android app. I am using ActionBarSherlock library. …

android background-color options-menu android-optionsmenu oncreateoptionsmenu
What is the call order of oncreateoptionsmenu() in the android activity lifecycle?

Is onCreateOptionsMenu() of action bar called before or after the onStart() of activity?

android android-actionbar oncreateoptionsmenu