Top "Background-color" questions

"background-color" is a CSS property used to define the background color of an element.

How to set button selection color along with rounded corners in android?

I want to set a rounded corner for a button in android along with changing the button color on when …

android background-color rounded-corners android-button
Spyder IPython background color

I'm new to Spyder(version 2.3.0dev6) and I want to change the background color of my IPython console(version 1.1.0). I …

ipython background-color spyder
JQuery UI Tabs Background Color

I'm trying to change the background of the tab area.. like, You have a list of tabs, and I know …

jquery jquery-ui background-color jquery-ui-tabs
Unable to set fill background color for certain cell using RGB value in apache POI

I'm using XSSF in Apache POI to generate Xlsx file. I imported org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor. My purpose …

apache-poi background-color rgb xssf
Changing UITableViewCell textLabel background color to clear

In my app I have a table view with customViewCells. I subclassed the UITableViewCell class and added an image that …

iphone-sdk-3.0 uitableview background-color
Set background color of TableRow

I try to set the background color of a TableRow. Currently I have this in my XML file: android:background="@…

android background-color tablerow
How to change background color of JTabbedPane?

I know you can modify the LaF properties, but how do you accomplish this without doing such? I only ask …

java swing background-color jtabbedpane
How to make google pie chart api background transparent

this is the google code for pie char apt: <script type="text/javascript"> google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { …

javascript api google-visualization background-color
UITableViewCell makes label's background clear when highlighted

I have a UIlabel on a UITableViewCell, which I've created programmatically (i.e. not a nib or a subclass). When …

iphone objective-c uitableview uilabel background-color
JQuery help - animate background color

Using JQuery, what I want to do is create a function that when I call the function, it will fade …

javascript jquery highlighting fade background-color