Top "Qtoolbar" questions

The QToolBar class, part of the Qt framework, provides a movable panel that acts as a container for a set of controls.

Is there a way to define a QToolbar with buttons and popup menus using Qt Designer?

I am wanting to have a toolbar in Qt that contains either QActions or QToolbarButtons that have popup menus attached …

qt button designer qmenu qtoolbar
How to create QToolBar in QWidget?

I am trying to add a QToolBar in a QWidget. But I want its functionality to work as if it …

c++ qt qtoolbar
Label in a QToolbar

How would you suggest to add a label on a QToolbar ? Since it only accepts action or somethings like that. …

qt label qtoolbar
On Qt, how to change the icon of an action in the toolbar at runtime?

In a program which calculates abritary precision numbers. I have an action on the taskbar. QAction* button_stop_continue. I've …

c++ qt icons runtime qtoolbar
QToolBar background color only applies to actions

I am trying to set the bacground color of a QToolBar in Qt designer with the following in stylesheet background : …

c++ qt background-color qtoolbar
Is there a way to prevent the hide operation of a toolbar?

In Qt, if I right-click on a toolbar the menu will be shown that allows me to hide the toolbar. …

c++ qt qtoolbar