Top "Axes" questions

Axes - plural of axis

Plotting two axes in gnuplot

Is it possible to plot two curves, with two corresponding axes in gnuplot, each of which has a different scale? …

plot gnuplot axes
What are the differences between add_axes and add_subplot?

In a previous answer it was recommended to me to use add_subplot instead of add_axes to show axes …

python matplotlib figure axes
How can I make a blank subplot in matplotlib?

I am making a group of subplot (say, 3 x 2) in matplotlib, but I have fewer than 6 datasets. How can I …

python matplotlib axes subplot
Matplotlib: get and set axes position

In matlab, it's straightforward to get and set the position of an existing axes on the figure: pos = get(gca(), …

python matplotlib axes subplot
Embedding small plots inside subplots in matplotlib

If you want to insert a small plot inside a bigger one you can use Axes, like here. The problem …

matplotlib plot embedding axes subplot
Axes class - set explicitly size (width/height) of axes in given units

I want to to create a figure using matplotlib where I can explicitly specify the size of the axes, i.…

python matplotlib plot axis axes
Strange error with matplotlib axes labels

I'm very new to Python and programming in general, so apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious. I'm trying …

python matplotlib axes
How to change axis linewidth and fontsize in Octave

I am trying to resize some plots in Octave. I've been able to change the line thickness and axis labels. …

plot octave axes
Matlab: How to obtain all the axes handles in a figure handle?

How do I obtain all the axes handles in a figure handle? Given the figure handle hf, I found that …

matlab figure axes
Removing frame while keeping axes in pyplot subplots

I am creating a figure with 3 subplots, and was wondering if there is any way of removing the frame around …

matplotlib frame axes subplot