Plotting two axes in gnuplot

Rook picture Rook · May 13, 2010 · Viewed 82.1k times · Source

Is it possible to plot two curves, with two corresponding axes in gnuplot, each of which has a different scale?

For example, y=x**2 and y=x**4 in the same graph (they vary enough to be "uncomfortable" when plotted with the same scale).


Andrew S picture Andrew S · May 22, 2012

You can have the axes handled automatically without you having to scale them yourself and keep auto-scaling:

set terminal jpeg
set output 'graph.jpg'

set xrange [-10:10]
set ytics 10 nomirror tc lt 1
set ylabel '2*x' tc lt 1
set y2tics 20 nomirror tc lt 2
set y2label '4*x' tc lt 2
plot 2*x linetype 1, 4*x linetype 2 axes x1y2

output of the script