Top "Axes" questions

Axes - plural of axis

matplotlib get all axes that a given figure contains to apply some settings

I'm writing a function that modifies the axes size and position on a figure, but when comes twin axes it …

matplotlib axes
Draw 3D object axes threejs

How can i draw object axes. I am refering at the mesh local axes and not the world axes. I …

three.js draw axes
Crossing axis and labels in matlab

I just can't find it. How to set up axis and labels in matlab so they cross at zero point, …

matlab plot coordinates axes
How to place the intercept of x and y axes at (0 , 0) and extend the x and y axes to the edge of the plot

Suppose I want to plot x^2. I can use curve() as follows. curve(x^2, -5, 5) However, I would like the …

r plot curve axes
Matlab area() edge colors cover the axes lines, is there a work around?

figure('Color', 'w') box on x = 1:10; y = 5 * x + 2; area(x, y, 'FaceColor', 'b', 'EdgeColor', 'b') This code creates a figure …

matlab area figure axes
ggplot theme remove y-axis on two plots in gtable, keep on third plot

I am trying to remove the y-axis on two ggplots that are in a gtable with a third ggplot. I …

r formatting ggplot2 axes gtable
Set scientific notation with fixed exponent and significant digits for multiple subplots

I am trying to fix the axes to scientific notation of two different sets of data where one is [1-9]…

python-2.7 matplotlib label axes
Correct placement of colorbar relative to geo axes (cartopy)

Using Cartopy, I would like to have full control of where my colorbar goes. Usually I do this by getting …

python matplotlib axes colorbar cartopy