Top "Axes" questions

Axes - plural of axis

combining XPATH axes (preceding-sibling & following-sibling)

Say I have the following UL: <ul> <li>barry</li> <li>bob&…

xpath axes
Reversed order after coord_flip in R

Data example from dbv: gender Sektion 1 m 5 2 m 5 3 w 3B 4 w 3B 5 w 3B 6 m 4 I have the following plot: …

r ggplot2 axes
Labelling logarithmic scale display in R

While plotting histogarm, scatterplots and other plots with axes scaled to logarithmic scale in R, how is it possible to …

r label plot logarithm axes
How to use ax.get_ylim() in matplotlib

I do the following imports: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.axes as ax import matplotlib import pylab It …

python matplotlib axes
Gnuplot: more than 2 datasets in single plot with 2 y-axes

I have multiple datasets I want to plot in a single figure: plot "data1a.txt", "data1b.txt", "data1…

plot range gnuplot axes
How do I edit the axes of an image in MATLAB to reverse the direction?

I would like to edit the axes in my series of images being displayed. This is what my image looks …

matlab image-processing plot axes
Using SQL Server 2005's XQuery select all nodes with a specific attribute value, or with that attribute missing

Update: giving a much more thorough example. The first two solutions offered were right along the lines of what I …

sql-server xpath xquery axes
make axes invisible or delete plot completely

I have a matlab gui that shall contain 4 plots. The first plot shall be updated if a different file is …

matlab axes
Matlab: How to align the axes of subplots when one of them contains a colorbar?

Minimal example: [x,y,z] = peaks(50); figure; subplot(5,1,1:4); pcolor(x,y,z); shading flat; colorbar; subplot(5,1,5); plot(x(end/2,:), z(…

matlab plot axes
How can I programmatically select a specific subplot in Matplotlib?

So in a figure where three vertical subplots have been added with add_subplot, how can I select let's say …

geometry matplotlib axes subplot