Top "Automapper" questions

A convention-based object-to-object mapper and transformer for .NET

Which is faster: Automapper, Valuinjector, or manual mapping? To what degree is each one faster?

Suppose I have this object in my DAL (ORM etc) public class Student { public string Name {get;set;} public string …

c# .net automapper valueinjecter emitmapper
Automapper map from one object to nested objects

What is the best way to map inner objects with Automapper 2.0 Use the solution in this question (Automapper 1.0) Create a …

c# automapper automapper-2
Domain vs DTO vs ViewModel - How and When to use them?

In a Multi-layer project with Domain layer (DL)/Business (Service) Layer (BL)/Presentation Layer (PL), what is the best approach … entity-framework viewmodel automapper dto
Automapper in xUnit testing and .NET Core 2.0

I have .NET Core 2.0 Project which contains Repository pattern and xUnit testing. Now, here is some of it's code. Controller: …

c# unit-testing automapper xunit
AutoMapper flattening of nested mappings asks for a custom resolver

I'm somewhat new to AutoMapper and wanted to map a POCO-ish object to a perhaps more complex DTO, the latter …

.net mapping automapper dto
Automapper with base class and different configuration options for implementations

I have two classes (MVC view model) which inherits from one abstract base class. abstract class BaseModel { } class Car : BaseModel { …

c# .net automapper
AutoMapper throwing StackOverflowException when calling ProjectTo<T>() on IQueryable

I have created classes using EF Code First that have collections of each other. Entities: public class Field { public int …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first automapper stack-overflow
AutoMapper ProjectTo<>() not finding map

I have a ASP.NET 5 (running on 4.6.2, not Core) application. I wanted to use the ProjectTo<>() method of …

c# automapper autofac asp.net5
In AutoMapper 8.0 missing ResolveUsing

Prior to AutoMapper 8.0, I have used this code: CreateMap<ApplicationRole, RoleViewModel>() .ForMember(d => d.Permissions, map => …

entity-framework automapper
Trying to add AutoMapper to .NetCore1.1 - not recognising services.AddAutoMapper()

I've installed the following Nuget packages into my project: Automapper AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection I have added the line to …

.net automapper .net-core