A convention-based object-to-object mapper and transformer for .NET
Suppose I have this object in my DAL (ORM etc) public class Student { public string Name {get;set;} public string …
c# .net automapper valueinjecter emitmapperWhat is the best way to map inner objects with Automapper 2.0 Use the solution in this question (Automapper 1.0) Create a …
c# automapper automapper-2In a Multi-layer project with Domain layer (DL)/Business (Service) Layer (BL)/Presentation Layer (PL), what is the best approach …
asp.net-mvc entity-framework viewmodel automapper dtoI have .NET Core 2.0 Project which contains Repository pattern and xUnit testing. Now, here is some of it's code. Controller: …
c# unit-testing automapper asp.net-core-2.0 xunitI'm somewhat new to AutoMapper and wanted to map a POCO-ish object to a perhaps more complex DTO, the latter …
.net mapping automapper dtoI have two classes (MVC view model) which inherits from one abstract base class. abstract class BaseModel { } class Car : BaseModel { …
c# .net automapperI have created classes using EF Code First that have collections of each other. Entities: public class Field { public int …
c# entity-framework ef-code-first automapper stack-overflowI have a ASP.NET 5 (running on 4.6.2, not Core) application. I wanted to use the ProjectTo<>() method of …
c# asp.net automapper autofac asp.net5Prior to AutoMapper 8.0, I have used this code: CreateMap<ApplicationRole, RoleViewModel>() .ForMember(d => d.Permissions, map => …
entity-framework asp.net-core automapperI've installed the following Nuget packages into my project: Automapper AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection I have added the line to …
.net asp.net-core asp.net-core-mvc automapper .net-core