I have two classes (MVC view model) which inherits from one abstract base class.
abstract class BaseModel { }
class Car : BaseModel
public string Speed { get; set; }
class Camper : BaseModel
public int Beds { get; set; }
and want to configure AutoMapper with base class, something like:
Mapper.CreateMap<BaseModel, DataDestination>();
var someObj = new DataDastination();
Mapper.Map(instanceOfBaseModel, someObj);
Here I get error, because Automapper doesn't have configuration of Car or Camper. Tried configuring Automapper with something like this:
Mapper.CreateMap<BaseModel, DataDestination>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.SomeProp, mapper => mapper.MapFrom( .... ));
In MapFrom, I only see properties from base class! How to configure Automapper to use BaseClass, and specific ForMember expression for Car and Camper? For example, if it's a Car, map this property from this, and if it's a Camper, map this property from somewhere else.
Here is the topic describing Mapping Inheritance.
The following should work for you:
Mapper.CreateMap<BaseModel, DataDastination>()
.Include<Car, DataDastination>()
.Include<Camper, DataDastination>();//.ForMember(general mapping)
Mapper.CreateMap<Car, DataDastination>();//.ForMember(some specific mapping)
Mapper.CreateMap<Camper, DataDastination>();//.ForMember(some specific mapping)