Everytime I'm looking for AutoMapper stuff on StackOverflow, I'm reading something about ValueInjecter.
Can somebody tell me the pros and cons between them (performance, features, API usage, extensibility, testing) ?
as the creator of ValueInjecter, I can tell you that I did it because I wanted something simple and very flexible
I really don't like writing much or writing lots of monkey code
Prop1.Ignore, Prop2.Ignore etc.
CreateMap<Foo,Bar>(); CreateMap<Tomato, Potato>(); etc.
ValueInjecter is something like mozilla with it's plugins, you create ValueInjections and use them
there are built-in injections for flattening, unflattening, and some that are intended to be inherited
and it works more in an aspect type of way, you don't have to specify all properties 1-to-1, instead you do something like:
take all the int properties from source which name ends with "Id", transform the value and set each to a property in the source object with same name without the Id suffix and it's type is inherited from Entity, stuff like that
so one obvious difference, ValueInjecter is used even in windows forms with flattening and unflattening, that's how flexible it is
(mapping from object to form controls and back)
Automapper, not usable in windows forms, no unflatenning, but it has good stuff like collections mapping, so in case you need it with ValueInjecter you just do something like:
foos.Select(o => new Bar().InjectFrom(o));
you can also use ValueInjecter to map from anonymous and dynamic objects
automapper create configuration for each mapping possibility CreateMap()
valueinjecter inject from any object to any object (there are also cases when you inject from object to valuetype)
automapper has flattening built it, and only for simple types or from same type, and it doesn't has unflattening
valueinjecter only if you need it you do target.InjectFrom<FlatLoopValueInjection>(source); also <UnflatLoopValueInjection>
and if you want from Foo.Bar.Name of type String
to FooBarName of type Class1
you inherit FlatLoopValueInjection and specify this
automapper maps properties with same name by default and for the rest you have to specify one by one, and do stuff like Prop1.Ignore(), Prop2.Ignore() etc.
valueinjecter has a default injection .InjectFrom() that does the properties with the same name and type; for everything else you create your custom valueinjections with individual mapping logic/rules, more like aspects, e.g. from all props of Type Foo to all props of type Bar