A convention-based object-to-object mapper and transformer for .NET
I'm trying to find a way of configuring AutoMapper to set a property in a destination object with a reference …
automapperFirstly, Sorry For lengthy question but I have to give some underlying information. We are creating an Application which uses …
asp.net-mvc entity-framework lazy-loading automapper dtoBackground: For my own clarity / self education, I am trying to implement a simple Order Entry application using TDD + DDD. …
architecture domain-driven-design automapper layerI've got POCO domain entities that are persisted using Entity Framework 5. They are obtained from the DbContext using a repository …
entity-framework asp.net-web-api automapper dto navigation-propertiesI have a domain model that contains a collection and I want to use AutoMapper to map the parent and …
collections filter automapper ignore skipIf object a has a property named 'Id' and object b has a property named 'ID', will AutoMapper correctly map …
c# automapperCan I use inheritance mapping in AutoMapper (v2.2) for maps with the same Source type but different Destination types? I …
c# inheritance automapper automapper-2