Top "Auto-generate" questions

The automation of the creation of classes, files, documentation, or anything else for which manual creation is costly.

Sparx Enterprise Architect conversion (from source to UML)

I need to make a UML class diagram for a project. I used Sparx Enterprise Architect in the past to …

uml enterprise-architect auto-generate
JPA @EmbeddedId is not generating sequence

I have a table which has composite primary key consisting one sequence and two foreign keys I am able to …

jpa auto-generate
Entity Framework Dynamic DbSet for all entities

I have a database mapped with Entity Framework, I need to implement a generic method for getting a a list …

linq-to-entities entity-framework-5 dynamic-data auto-generate
GNU make: Generating automatic dependencies with generated header files

So I followed the Advanced Auto-Dependency Generation paper -- Makefile: SRCS := main.c foo.c main: main.o foo.o %.…

makefile auto-generate gnu-make
.NET Generate Sequence Diagrams From Running Code

Is there a tool that can generate sequence diagrams from running .NET code?

.net sequence-diagram auto-generate
Android Status Bar transparent when using AppTheme.NoActionBar

When I apply the auto-generated AppTheme.NoActionBar to my activity via android:theme like so: AndroidManifest.xml: <?xml version="1.0" …

android android-actionbar themes auto-generate
Can Access generate CREATE TABLE script code like SQL Server can?

I have a MS Access file containing hundred of tables, I should create these tables using C# at runtime. So …

database ms-access auto-generate
ASP.NET auto-generate aspx.designer.cs turn off?

As I'm working on a project, I'm confronted with the foobar.aspx.designer.cs that auto generates …

c# designer auto-generate
Auto Generate String Primary Key with Annotation in Hibernate

I'm pretty new to Spring Boot and in the model there's an Id (primary key) which is String and I …

java hibernate auto-generate