Top "Arraylist" questions

A simple collection data type found in some languages / platforms (such as in Java or .NET).

How to sort ArrayList using Comparator?

I have a Class Student that Implements a static method public static Comparator<Student> getCompByName() that returns a …

java sorting collections arraylist comparator
How can I create an array in Kotlin like in Java by just providing a size?

How can I create a Array like we do in java? int A[] = new int[N]; How can I do …

java arrays arraylist kotlin
How to convert an ArrayList to a strongly typed generic list without using a foreach?

See the code sample below. I need the ArrayList to be a generic List. I don't want to use foreach. …

c# .net list arraylist generic-list
How to use invokeAll() to let all thread pool do their task?

ExecutorService pool=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(7); List<Future<Hotel>> future=new ArrayList<Future<Hotel>>(); …

java multithreading arraylist executorservice future
How to save custom ArrayList on Android screen rotate?

I have an ArrayList with custom objects that I would like to be able to save and restore on a …

android object arraylist parcelable screen-rotation
ArrayList and modifying objects included in it

Say we have an ArrayList myArray. I want to modify an object by calling its function. If I do it …

java arraylist pass-by-reference
Spinner does not show selected value

I have implemented the spinner by populating the array list through database.I can get and show the array list …

android arraylist spinner selected
Passing ArrayList as value only and not reference

Simply put, I have a method with an ArrayList parameter. In the method I modify the contents of the ArrayList …

java reference arraylist pass-by-reference
Convert from JSONArray to ArrayList<CustomObject> - Android

I converted an ArrayList to an JSONArray. How can I convert it back? The final result must be an ArrayList. …

android json parsing arraylist typeconverter
Android Class Parcelable with ArrayList

I have an android project where I have a class. In that class is an ArrayList<Choices>. I …

android class arraylist parcelable