Top "Arraylist" questions

A simple collection data type found in some languages / platforms (such as in Java or .NET).

Android Spinner using ArrayList<String>

I have been using values of spinner from XML string-arrays so far like: Spinner karant_sp; karant_sp = (Spinner) findViewById(…

java android arraylist spinner android-spinner
Convert Java resultset to String array

I am writing a program that will query an MS access database, return the query as a result set, and …

java swing arraylist resultset
How to persist an Array List of type Entity in JPA

How to persist an Array List of type Entity in JPA ? For example, there is an entity called "Table". I …

jpa arraylist entity persist
Android Spinner databind using array list

I have a array list like this: private ArrayList<Locations> Artist_Result = new ArrayList<Location>(); This …

android data-binding arraylist spinner android-arrayadapter
Which Java Collection should I use?

In this question How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11? is a handy flow chart to …

java algorithm arraylist collections hashmap
serialization ArrayList Java

I want to serialize the Arraylist of type ArrayList<Class> and the class contains two Arraylist of primitive …

java arraylist serialization non-printing-characters
How can I retrieve a JDBC ResultSet as an ArrayList?

I'm doing a query to retrieve a large amount of IDs (integers). Instead of iterating millions of times through the …

java performance jdbc arraylist resultset
Adding items to a JList from ArrayList using DefaultListModel

I'm trying to add items that are in an ArrayList to a JList which is working when I use the …

java swing arraylist jlist defaultlistmodel
Time complexity of contains(Object o), in an ArrayList of Objects

As the title says, I was wondering what the time complexity of the contains() method of an ArrayList is.

java arraylist time-complexity
How to take a valid sublist in Java?

I have this weird (I think) problem in Java. I have an ArrayList and I want to take a sublist. …

java arraylist sublist