Top "Appcelerator-mobile" questions

Appcelerator Titanium Mobile is a framework for creating iOS, Android, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications in JavaScript.

How to simply handle orientation changes?

I'm not talking about doing anything fancy. I'd just like the standard windows and views to rotate when the user …

titanium appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
Xamarin vs Titanium Appcelerator?

I developed a Native Android App, now the requirement is that the developed app needs to be in a cross …

android xamarin titanium appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
How to Call a WebService in titanium using javascript

I am new to titanium and and want to call a web service from my titanium app. The webService returns …

javascript titanium appcelerator appcelerator-mobile titanium-mobile
Titanium Appcelerator back button closes my window

I'm working on building my first Android app on Titanium. I have an RSS feed loading on the first window, …

titanium appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
How can i add jquery to Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work?

Is it possible to integrate the jquery in to Titanium Appcelerator and will it work properly? Else we can't integrate …

jquery titanium appcelerator-mobile
Should I learn native iOS development (Objective-C) or perfect my knowledge in Javascript and Titanium Appcelerator?

Basically I need your advice my good stack friends :D For the last six months I am exploring/learning/developing …

ios titanium native appcelerator-mobile
where to store my data in appcelerator?

lets say we want to do a simple app for android and for this app we want some data. Those …

titanium appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
why won't the new version of my android app apk install over the old version

I successfully produced a small private android app (using appcelerator if that makes a difference) and installed it on my …

android android-manifest appcelerator-mobile android-install-apk apk
I need help understanding Titanium Alloy (MVC) development

I'm used to developing in MVC frameworks such as cake and backbone, but I can't get my head around developing …

javascript xml titanium-mobile appcelerator-mobile