Titanium Appcelerator back button closes my window

Maikel picture Maikel · Aug 31, 2010 · Viewed 11.5k times · Source

I'm working on building my first Android app on Titanium. I have an RSS feed loading on the first window, then after clicking a link from the rss list, I create a new window and display the full content of the rss item on that page.

What I want to achieve is that when I'm on the second window (full content of rss feed) and press the Back button from my phone, I want to return to the first window (rss list). At the moment my app exits when pressing the back button from anywhere from my app.

On the first window, I have specified exitOnClose: true and on the second I have specified exitOnClose: false. Not sure if that's what I need to do.

Any help is much appreciated & thanks in advance.



Maikel picture Maikel · Sep 6, 2010

I found the answer.

When I open a new window, I just pass modal:true and that fixes it