Top "Appcelerator-mobile" questions

Appcelerator Titanium Mobile is a framework for creating iOS, Android, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications in JavaScript.

android:back (device back button) event in Titanium not working

Hi i am working on android application development.I am using Titanium studio for development. I create a simple application.…

android appcelerator-mobile titanium-mobile back-button-control
Appcelerator titanium - send sms

I am creating a mobile (iphone/android) application using appcelerator titanium. Is there any way I can make the app …

sms titanium send appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
Understanding Appcelerator Ti.include & require

I've started looking into Appcelerator 1.8.0 few days and back and i'm a little confused with Ti.include and require. As …

appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
How do I create a mapview with titanium appcelerator mobile?

I just start to work with appcelerator and I haven't found a good layout tutorial yet. At the moment I …

appcelerator appcelerator-mobile
Titanium: How to to display text and images together inline in a tableview?

What I have is an XML feed of data that are basicly like facebook wall posts. The posts themselves contain …

titanium appcelerator appcelerator-mobile