Use this tag for questions related to Apple's App Store Connect.
Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect?
iphone itunes rename app-store-connectIs there any way unpublish/Remove from sale my iPhone app from the App Store? I can't seem to find …
ios iphone app-store app-store-connect mac-app-storeSo I just upgraded my MacBook to Lion and setup all my prov profiles and Xcode 4.2.1. I followed the instructions …
ios xcode ssl upload app-store-connectI am uploading iPhone application using latest xCode 8. I have good internet connection and all the relevant settings set up …
ios xcode app-store-connect ios10 xcode8Since the recent update to App Store Connect, I can't figure out at all as to how I submit a …
ios xcode app-store app-store-connect testflightI've been the past days trying to test my first in-app purchse iphone application. Unfortunately I can't find the way …
objective-c json iphone-sdk-3.0 app-store-connect storekitI recently uploaded an app to the app store and its been processing for a few days now. I went …
ios xcode swift sprite-kit app-store-connectBelow you can see that testing for external testers are turned off: same for internal testing: but when I transfer …
ios app-store app-store-connect testflightI am having trouble submitting my newest app update with Xcode 8 GM. I updated my iPhone and watchOS app in …
ios xcode app-store-connect xcode8I can see from my iTunes connect control panel how many users are on each version of the app I …
ios app-store-connect testflight beta