Top "App-store-connect" questions

Use this tag for questions related to Apple's App Store Connect.

Failed to verify bitcode while exporting archive for ad hoc distribution - tried Xcode 8.3.3 & Xcode 9

Apps containing our framework complains about missing bitcode while exporting archive for Ad-hoc distribution. I have gone through the documentation …

ios xcode app-store-connect bitcode
The Bundle ID in the certificate does not match the Bundle ID you entered

My Bundle ID of the certificate does not match the Bundle ID entered in the Firebase console and when I …

ios xcode firebase app-store-connect firebase-console
How to get iTunes connect Team ID and Team name?

I'm writing down an Appfile for fastlane, my problem is I already have the team_name and team_id in …

ios app-store-connect fastlane
how to change version number of an App from iTunesConnect with state Prepare for Submission

I accidentally created a new version of an App in iTunesConnect with wrong version number. It is in state Prepare …

ios iphone app-store app-store-connect
Getting ERROR ITMS-9000 when trying to upload an app using Application Loader

When I try to upload an application to iTunes Connect using application loader, I get these errors: Apple's web service …

ios xcode app-store-connect application-loader
Changing development team in iTunes Connect

I'm a member of two Apple development programs and I'm trying to upload a new app. The problem is that …

iphone app-store app-store-connect
My App has been rejected because of UIBackgroundModes

We found that your app uses a background mode but does not include functionality that requires that mode to run …

ios app-store-connect appstore-approval
What happens when TestFlight app expire?

I'm using the prerelease tool in iTunesConnect where you can distribute the app to a group of testers. It seems …

ios app-store-connect testflight
Apple App SKU: How do I view and change SKUs?

When I go into iTunes connect and create a placeholder for a new App, it asks me for SKU. It …

app-store app-store-connect skus
iTunes Connect - Can't invite "internal testers" for prerelease app

I got my app approved for distribution through the new Apple TestFlight app. I tried to invite an "internal tester" …

ios app-store-connect testflight