Top "App-config" questions

.NET application configuration files contain settings specific to an application.

Variables within app.config/web.config

Is it is possible to do something like the following in the app.config or web.config files? <appSettings&…

c# variables web-config app-config
What does 'useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy' do in the .NET 4 config?

While converting a project that used SlimDX, and therefore has unmanaged code, to .NET 4.0 I ran into the following error: …

.net .net-4.0 app-config mixed-mode
Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

I am unit testing a .NET application (.exe) that uses an app.config file to load configuration properties. The unit …

c# .net unit-testing app-config
How to make spring inject value into a static field

I know this may looks like a previously asked question but I'm facing a different problem here. I have a …

java spring configuration app-config
How should I edit an Entity Framework connection string?

I recently had to edit my app.config file to change the connection string for an Entity Framework data model (.…

entity-framework entity-framework-4 connection-string app-config
How to create custom config section in app.config?

I want to add a custom configuration section in my app.config file. Is there a way to do it …

c# app-config
How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?

I'd like to programmatically modify my app.config file to set which service file endpoint should be used. What is …

c# wcf app-config configuration-files
Is ConfigurationManager.AppSettings available in .NET Core 2.0?

I've got a method that reads settings from my config file like this: var value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]; It compiles …

c# .net-core app-config .net-standard
Accessing database connection string using app.config in C# winform

I can't seem to be able to access the app.config database connection string in my c# winforms app. app.…

c# sql winforms database-connection app-config
Pros and cons of AppSettings vs applicationSettings (.NET app.config / Web.config)

When developing a .NET Windows Forms Application we have the choice between those App.config tags to store our configuration …

.net web-config app-config