Pros and cons of AppSettings vs applicationSettings (.NET app.config / Web.config)

Jader Dias picture Jader Dias · Jan 20, 2009 · Viewed 96.7k times · Source

When developing a .NET Windows Forms Application we have the choice between those App.config tags to store our configuration values. Which one is better?


  <!-- Choice 1 -->
    <add key="RequestTimeoutInMilliseconds" value="10000"/>

  <!-- Choice 2 -->
    <sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c5612342342" >
        <section name="Project1.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c5612342342" requirePermission="false" />
      <setting name="TABLEA" serializeAs="String">



marc_s picture marc_s · Jan 28, 2009

The basic <appSettings> is easier to deal with - just slap in a <add key="...." value="..." /> entry and you're done.

The downside is: there's no type-checking, e.g. you cannot safely assume your number that you wanted to configure there really is a number - someone could put a string into that setting..... you just access it as ConfigurationManager["(key)"] and then it's up to you to know what you're dealing with.

Also, over time, the <appSettings> can get rather convoluted and messy, if lots of parts of your app start putting stuff in there (remember the old windows.ini file? :-)).

If you can, I would prefer and recommend using your own configuration sections - with .NET 2.0, it's really become quite easy, That way, you can:

  • a) Define your configuration settings in code and have them type-safe and checked
  • b) You can cleanly separate YOUR settings from everyone else's. And you can reuse your config code, too!

There's a series of really good articles on you to demystify the .NET 2.0 configuration system on CodeProject:

  1. Unraveling the mysteries of .NET 2.0 configuration

  2. Decoding the mysteries of .NET 2.0 configuration

  3. Cracking the mysteries of .NET 2.0 configuration

Highly recommended! Jon Rista did a great job explaining the configuration system in .NET 2.0.