.NET application configuration files contain settings specific to an application.
I'm looking for a way to store application or machine level settings that can be written to at runtime using …
.net wpf visual-studio app-config appsettingsI wanna read/write (and save) application's configuration file in program The app.config is like this: <configuration> &…
c# .net app-config configurationmanager configurationsectionI'm writing a test WinForms / C# / .NET 3.5 application for the system we're developing and we fell in the need to …
c# .net-3.5 configuration-files app-config configurationmanagerI have a console application which has its own App.config. I need to change some values in section time …
c# .net app-config configurationmanagerHow do I dynamically reload the app.config in a .net Windows application? I need to turn logging on and …
.net app-configHow to load application settings to NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration object by using System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager from App.config?
nhibernate app-config configurationmanagerI am trying to retrieve values from my App.config file which is stored in my working directory, however when …
c# .net app-config configurationmanagerI have a config file, myapp.exe.config. In the file I have an attribute with a fullpath filename as …
c# .net configuration escaping app-configThis may sound like a trivial question, however I have looked over the web briefly and what I found was …
c# .net app-configI use TransactionScope in this code: private void ExecuteSP() { bool IsComplete = false; SqlCommand sqlComm = null; //6 hours!!! TimeSpan ts1 = new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0); …
c# sql stored-procedures app-config transactionscope