Top "App-config" questions

.NET application configuration files contain settings specific to an application.

How do I read/write App.config settings with PowerShell?

I'd like to use PowerShell as part of our automated build process to update an App.config file while deploying …

powershell app-config
Encrypting connectionStrings section - utility for app.config

Is there a utility that will encrypt a named configuration section (or just the connectionStrings section) in an app.config …

.net encryption connection-string app-config
How to write an URI string in App.Config

I am making a Windows Service. The Service has to donwload something every night, and therefor I want to place …

c# configuration windows-services uri app-config
ConfigurationManager.GetSection Gives Error "Could not load type....from assembly..."

My app.config file is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <…

c# app-config system.configuration
Developer specific app.config/web.config files in Visual Studio

We have several .NET projects where we store certain settings in configuration files. Now each developer will have their own …

c# visual-studio configuration web-config app-config
Why is a "bindingRedirect" added to the app.config file after adding the Microsoft.Bcl.Async package?

I was wondering why nuget added the following code to my applications app.config file, after installing the Microsoft.Bcl.…

c# .net app-config base-class-library
Run service with administrator privileges

I am developing an application that runs as a windows service. I really need the service to have administrator privileges. …

service app-config administrator
The problem with NUnit and app.config

When i run a simple test on connection to DB check i receive an error in NUnit: [Test] public void …

visual-studio nunit app-config configurationmanager
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings Returns Null In Unit Test Project

I have a C# unit test project with application settings in the app.config file. I am testing a class …

c# visual-studio unit-testing app-config application-settings
How to store a collection of custom objects to an user.config file?

I would like to store a collection of custom objects in a user.config file and would like to add …

c# configuration collections app-config