Top "Apache-airflow" questions

Apache Airflow is a workflow management platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks.

How to stop/kill Airflow tasks from the UI

How can I stop/kill a running task on Airflow UI? I am using LocalExecutor. Even if I use CeleryExecutor, …

python apache hadoop airflow apache-airflow
Airflow tasks get stuck at "queued" status and never gets running

I'm using Airflow v1.8.1 and run all components (worker, web, flower, scheduler) on kubernetes & Docker. I use Celery Executor …

airflow apache-airflow airflow-scheduler
Apache Airflow DAG cannot import local module

I do not seem to understand how to import modules into an apache airflow DAG definition file. I would want …

python airflow apache-airflow
How to stop/kill airflow scheduler started in daemon mode

I and new to airflow and accidentally started airflow scheduler in daemon mode. Now, I want to kill the scheduler …

linux airflow apache-airflow airflow-scheduler
How does Airflow's BranchPythonOperator work?

I'm struggling to understand how BranchPythonOperator in Airflow works. I know it's primarily used for branching, but am confused by …

airflow apache-airflow
How to add new DAGs to Airflow?

I have defined a DAG in a file called (actually a copy of the provided in …

python airflow apache-airflow
Airflow default on_failure_callback

In my DAG file, I have define a on_failure_callback() function to post a Slack in case of failure. …

python operators airflow apache-airflow
Debugging Broken DAGs

When the airflow webserver shows up errors like Broken DAG: [<path/to/dag>] <error>, how and …

airflow apache-airflow
Issues running airflow scheduler as a daemon process

I have an EC2 instance that is running airflow 1.8.0 using LocalExecutor. Per the docs I would have expected that one …

python amazon-ec2 ubuntu-16.04 airflow apache-airflow
how do I use the --conf option in airflow

I am trying to run a airflow DAG and need to pass some parameters for the tasks. How do I …

airflow apache-airflow airflow-scheduler