Issues running airflow scheduler as a daemon process

aaron picture aaron · Sep 28, 2017 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I have an EC2 instance that is running airflow 1.8.0 using LocalExecutor. Per the docs I would have expected that one of the following two commands would have raised the scheduler in daemon mode:

airflow scheduler --daemon --num_runs=20


airflow scheduler --daemon=True --num_runs=5

But that isn't the case. The first command seems like it's going to work, but it just returns the following output before returning to terminal without producing any background task:

[2017-09-28 18:15:02,794] {} INFO - Using executor LocalExecutor
[2017-09-28 18:15:03,064] {} INFO - Generating grammar tables from /usr/lib/python3.5/lib2to3/Grammar.txt
[2017-09-28 18:15:03,203] {} INFO - Generating grammar tables from /usr/lib/python3.5/lib2to3/PatternGrammar.txt

The second command produces the error:

airflow scheduler: error: argument -D/--daemon: ignored explicit argument 'True'

Which is odd, because according to the docs --daemon=True should be a valid argument for the airflow scheduler call.

Digging a little deeper took me to this StackOverflow post, where one of the responses recommends an implementation of systemd for handling the airflow scheduler as a background process according to the code available as this repo.

My lightly-edited adaptations of the script are posted as the following Gists. I am using a vanilla m4.xlarge EC2 instance with Ubuntu 16.04.3:

From there I call:

sudo systemctl enable airflow-scheduler
sudo systemctl start airflow-scheduler

And nothing happens. While I have much more complex DAGs running on this instance, I am using this dummy case to create a simple test that also serves as a listener to let me know when the scheduler is operating as planned.

I've been using journalctl -f to debug. Here are a few lines of output from the scheduler process. There's no obvious problem, but my tasks aren't executing and no logs are being produced for the test DAG that would help me zoom in on the error. Is the problem in here somewhere?

Sep 28 18:39:30 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:30,965] {} INFO - Started a process (PID: 21822) to generate tasks for /home/ubuntu/airflow/dags/ - logging into /home/ubuntu/airflow/logs/scheduler/2017-09-28/
Sep 28 18:39:31 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:31,016] {} INFO - No tasks to send to the executor
Sep 28 18:39:31 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:31,020] {} INFO - Heartbeating the executor
Sep 28 18:39:32 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:32,022] {} INFO - Heartbeating the process manager
Sep 28 18:39:32 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:32,023] {} INFO - Heartbeating the executor
Sep 28 18:39:33 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:33,024] {} INFO - Heartbeating the process manager
Sep 28 18:39:33 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:33,025] {} INFO - Processor for /home/ubuntu/airflow/dags/ finished
Sep 28 18:39:33 ip-172-31-15-209 airflow[20603]: [2017-09-28 18:39:33,026] {} INFO - Processor for /home/ubuntu/airflow/dags/ finished

When I run airflow scheduler manually this all works fine. Since my test DAG has a start date of September 9 it just keep backfilling every minute since then, producing a running time ticker. When I use systemd to run the scheduler as a deamon, however, it's totally quiet with no obvious source of the error.

Any thoughts?


Tagar picture Tagar · Sep 29, 2017

Documentation might be dated?

I normally start Airflow as following

airflow kerberos -D
airflow scheduler -D
airflow webserver -D

Here's airflow webeserver --help output (from version 1.8):

-D, --daemon Daemonize instead of running in the foreground

Notice there is not boolean flag possible there. Documentation has to be fixed.

Quick note in case airflow scheduler -D fails:

This is included in the comments, but it seems like it's worth mentioning here. When you run your airflow scheduler it will create the file $AIRFLOW_HOME/ If you try to re-run the airflow scheduler daemon process this will almost certainly produce the file $AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow-scheduler.err which will tell you that lockfile.AlreadyLocked: /home/ubuntu/airflow/ is already locked. If your scheduler daemon is indeed out of commission and you find yourself needing to restart is execute the following commands:

sudo rm $AIRFLOW_HOME airflow-scheduler.err
airflow scheduler -D 

This got my scheduler back on track.