How to stop/kill airflow scheduler started in daemon mode

yguw picture yguw · Jun 23, 2017 · Viewed 19.2k times · Source

I and new to airflow and accidentally started airflow scheduler in daemon mode. Now, I want to kill the scheduler and possibly restart it. I tried doing

    sudo kill -9 <list of pids>
    pkill <name>

nothing is happening. When I run

    ps aux | grep 'airflow scheduler'

I see these entries:

    user1   2907  6.0  1.0 329788 62996 ?        Sl   17:37   1:26 /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/python /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/airflow scheduler -D
    user1   2909  0.0  0.9 327576 58948 ?        Sl   17:37   0:00 /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/python /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/airflow scheduler -D
    user1   2910  0.0  0.9 327576 58944 ?        Sl   17:37   0:00 /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/python /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/airflow scheduler -D
    user1   2911  0.0  0.9 327576 58944 ?        Sl   17:37   0:00 /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/python /users/user1/anaconda2/bin/airflow scheduler -D

...and so on for 35 lines with different pids.

Any recommendation as to how I can stop/kill airflow scheduler without restarting my machine. I have also checked the pid file for scheduler and tried killing that pid but no effects.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


venergiac picture venergiac · Jan 18, 2018


kill $(ps -ef | grep "airflow scheduler" | awk '{print $2}')

I was not able to find a clean solution.

Also looking into the code