In programming, annotations are used to add information to a code element which cannot be expressed by the type system.
java.lang.annotation.ElementType: A program element type. The constants of this enumerated type provide a simple classification of the …
java annotationsIs there a way to implement @NotEmpty hibernate validation without writing custom validation? javax.validation package does not contain this …
java validation annotations bean-validation notnullI'm developing a Java enterprise application, currently doing Java EE security stuff to restrict access for particular functions to specific …
java jakarta-ee enums annotations java-ee-6I use spring roo to build project and it's annotation driven, and there is no bean definition in XML file. …
spring configuration annotations initialization spring-rooI met lombok today. I'm very anxious to know how it works. A Java Geek Article gives some clues but …
java annotations lombokFor a Spring Boot application, I successfully configured a Spring LdapTemplate using annotations, including the LdapContextSource dependency with @Values from …
java spring-boot annotations spring-ldapI want to know what wrong with my code, because when I try to test my code, I didn´t …
java selenium-webdriver annotations testng findbyIntelliJ IDEA highlights persistent @Entity class names with "Cannot resolve symbol" in red in JPQL which is distracting and buries …
jpa intellij-idea annotations jpqlPossible Duplicate: Spring + Hibernate : a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session I've been …
hibernate spring annotations hibernate-annotationsI'm using the code below to generate a simple chart with some annotations: require(ggplot2); data(mtcars) ggplot(mtcars, aes(…
r text charts ggplot2 annotations