Top "Findby" questions

FindBy is a type of annotation used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.

Doctrine findBy with OR condition

Is it possible to use OR statement in Doctrine findBy() method? I know that given array is interpreted as case1 …

doctrine-orm findby
spring data - Mongodb - findBy Method for nested objects

I have two domain objects, @Document public class PracticeQuestion { private int userId; private List<Question> questions; // Getters and …

mongodb spring-data findby
Selenium @FindBy vs driver.findElement()

Why should I use @FindBy vs driver.findElement()? @FindBy forces me to move all my variables to a class level (…

selenium selenium-webdriver annotations findby page-factory
What is the use of Annotation "@FindBy"?

Can anyone explain me about Annotation @FindBy in WebDriver? Where and why it is used?

selenium-webdriver annotations webdriver findby
How to use @FindBy annotation in Selenium WebDriver

I want to know what wrong with my code, because when I try to test my code, I didn´t …

java selenium-webdriver annotations testng findby
Doctrine 2: Find entity using entity relations

Say I have two entities in Doctrine2 that are related to each other, Models\User and Models\Comment. If I …

php orm doctrine-orm findby
doctrine findby magic null value

I'm wondering if there is anyway to use doctrine's magic method to look for null values. For instance: Doctrine::getTable(…

php doctrine doctrine-1.2 findby
Multiple findby in symfony doctrine

I need to know if there is a way to do something like this: $customerClient = $clientTable->findByCustomerNumber($this->…

symfony1 doctrine findby
@Findby using xpath with index

Can I use @Findby and pass certain values as parameter? @FindBy("//div[contains(@class,'gallery_grid_image_caption gallery_grid_…

java selenium testng findby
how to use spring data example matcher for list attribute - query issue

I would like to ask how to use exampleMatcher for class with List attribute. Lets assume, we have a user …

java arraylist spring-data-jpa findby