Top "Angularjs-service" questions

AngularJS services are singletons that carry out specific tasks common to web apps.

Firebase's AngularFire in an AngularJS service

The best way of handling Firebase in AngularJS surely has to be from within a service, so it's available to …

angularjs firebase angularjs-service angularfire
Angular modal dialog best practices

What is the best practice for creating modal dialogs with dynamic content, contrasted with dialogs that don't have dynamic content. …

angularjs dialog modal-dialog angularjs-directive angularjs-service
AngularJS factory property isn't being updated in $scope when not using push()

I have a factory that is retrieving the data from an external source. As soon as i get the data, …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-service
How can I extend $q promise in Angularjs with a .success and .error

I wrote this little code in a custom service in AngularJS. In my service: var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = …

angularjs extend overriding promise angularjs-service
AngularJS : Access stored data in a factory after a $http call

I am trying to build a factory to act as a staging area for my database models, as well as …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-service angularjs-factory
AngularJS : controller scope won't sync with promise

I've picked up a project and I'm trying to return some data from a service to my controller. I've been …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-service angularjs-controller angularjs-http