Top "Angularjs-scope" questions

In AngularJS, a scope is an object that refers to the application model.

AngularJS - Hiding value based on null and empty array

I am trying to perform an ng-hide when a value is either null or an empty array (in Firebug, this …

angularjs angularjs-scope ng-show angular-ng-if ng-hide
angular .then() is not recognized

I try to use .then() in my angular controller angular.module('n2goApp') .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Products) { Products.get(). …

angularjs angularjs-scope angular-services
AngularJS: Correct place for global menu provider, service or rootScope?

I'm new to AngularJS, and - since it is quite complex and the approach is new for me, I'm a …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope javascriptmvc
q.all not working for multiple promises

I have the following q.all calling to resolve two promises. I checked all the posts and tried all other …

angularjs angularjs-scope angular-promise
AngularJS - Using ternary operators and filters within a binding

I current have a simple data binding: {{ myAccount.Balance }} I think applied a couple of filters: {{ myAccount.Balance | filter1 | filter2 }} …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope ternary-operator angular-filters
Angular - ngModel not updating when called inside ngInclude

First and foremost, the plunker: This is a working demo of the issue I …

angularjs angularjs-scope angular-ngmodel
Update value of an input text when an option is selected with angularjs

I have my controller in angularjs with a array app.controller('player', function($scope) { $scope.players = [ { "id":3, "name":"Nadal", }, { "id":4, "…

angularjs angularjs-scope ng-repeat ng-controller ng-app
Validation doesnt work for File Input with 'Required' attribute- AngularJS

I have been playing around this and couldnt get it to work. I was creating an angular form and I …

javascript angularjs validation angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-form
correct way to initialise scope values when the view is loaded with angularjs, ngInit?

I've been learning angularJs for the past few weeks and been looking at a number of large scale apps to …

javascript angularjs view angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-init
AngularJS - Access child directive controller

How to access the child directive controllers? Specifically, I need to access all ngModelController(s) which are present inside a …

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-model