Top "Ng-controller" questions

The AngularJS ngController directive attaches a controller class to the view.

How to use a filter in a controller?

I have written a filter function which will return data based on the argument you are passing. I want the …

angularjs angular-filters ng-controller
AngularJS - convert dates in controller

Could anyone please suggest me how to convert date from this 1387843200000 format into this 24/12/2013 inside my controller? Just FYI my …

angularjs date datetime datetime-format ng-controller
Easiest way to pass an AngularJS scope variable from directive to controller?

What is the easiest way to pass an AngularJS scope variable from directive to controller? All of the examples that …

angularjs angularjs-directive ng-controller
Angularjs: 'controller as syntax' and $watch

How to subscribe on property change when using controller as syntax? controller('TestCtrl', function ($scope) { = 'Max'; this.changeName = …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope ng-controller
AngularJS controller for a tab

I have three tabs in my page. I'm using tabset and tab according to Angular Bootstrap Docs. I set a …

javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap tabs ng-controller
Enable/Disable button by selected value in drop down list using AngularJS

I have one button called test and one drop-down menu with three values. How to enable-disable Test button according to …

html angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope ng-controller
AngularJS beginner: ng-controller not working

I'm just trying to get my head around the basics of AngularJS. I tried writing a simple MVC app, but …

angularjs model-view-controller ng-controller
Update value of an input text when an option is selected with angularjs

I have my controller in angularjs with a array app.controller('player', function($scope) { $scope.players = [ { "id":3, "name":"Nadal", }, { "id":4, "…

angularjs angularjs-scope ng-repeat ng-controller ng-app
AngularJS: Register Controller from separate .js file

I am new to AngularJS and using to learn how to use angular. I have having some difficulty …

angularjs model-view-controller ng-controller