The AngularJS ngController directive attaches a controller class to the view.
I have written a filter function which will return data based on the argument you are passing. I want the …
angularjs angular-filters ng-controllerCould anyone please suggest me how to convert date from this 1387843200000 format into this 24/12/2013 inside my controller? Just FYI my …
angularjs date datetime datetime-format ng-controllerWhat is the easiest way to pass an AngularJS scope variable from directive to controller? All of the examples that …
angularjs angularjs-directive ng-controllerHow to subscribe on property change when using controller as syntax? controller('TestCtrl', function ($scope) { = 'Max'; this.changeName = …
javascript angularjs angularjs-scope ng-controllerI have three tabs in my page. I'm using tabset and tab according to Angular Bootstrap Docs. I set a …
javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap tabs ng-controllerI have one button called test and one drop-down menu with three values. How to enable-disable Test button according to …
html angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope ng-controllerI'm just trying to get my head around the basics of AngularJS. I tried writing a simple MVC app, but …
angularjs model-view-controller ng-controllerI have my controller in angularjs with a array app.controller('player', function($scope) { $scope.players = [ { "id":3, "name":"Nadal", }, { "id":4, "…
angularjs angularjs-scope ng-repeat ng-controller ng-appI am new to AngularJS and using to learn how to use angular. I have having some difficulty …
angularjs model-view-controller ng-controller