Top "Angularjs-ng-repeat" questions

The `ngRepeat` directive instantiates a template once per item from a collection.

AngularJS - multiple ng-click - event bubbling

In the following example: <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="showItem(item)"> <h3>{{item.title}}</…

events javascript-events angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-ng-click
AngularJS not refreshing ngRepeat when updating array

I'm having serious troubles understanding AngularJS sometimes. So I have a basic array in my controller like $scope.items = ["a","…

javascript angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat
AngularJS filter based on array of strings?

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how to go about doing an Angular filter to solve a …

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat ng-show
Reverse list in ng-repeat

So I have an array that I'm using ng-repeat to render out but I want to reverse this list. Previously …

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-filter
Angular filter by text search and dropdown

I'm having trouble and I can't seem to find an answer. I'm trying to filter using an text input box …

javascript angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angular-filters
Applying ng-class based on value

I have a simple ng-repeat that displays a list of scores and a value of either Positive or Negative. What …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat ng-class angular-ng-if
Create Row every after 2 item in Angular ng-repeat - Ionic Grid

I need to create a strcuture as below in my app through ng-repeat. <div class="row"> <div …

angularjs grid angularjs-ng-repeat ionic-framework
Angular JS Scaling & Performance

We are pounding our heads against performance issues with an Angular app we are building for a bank. Unfortunately, it …

html performance angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-repeat
What is `priority` of ng-repeat directive can you change it?

Angular Documentation says: - The compilation of the DOM is performed by the call to the $compile() method. The method …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat ng-repeat
AngularJS - Format Text Return From JSON To Title Case

I have a service that retrieves data from a JSON file. Some of the data within the data is all …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-repeat