Reverse list in ng-repeat

ph3bell picture ph3bell · Jan 22, 2014 · Viewed 30.3k times · Source

So I have an array that I'm using ng-repeat to render out but I want to reverse this list. Previously I have used a filter which i got from this answer: angular ng-repeat in reverse

But now I get an error: "TypeError: Object # has no method 'slice' at Scope." I'm not sure if this is because of a new version of AngularJS or I'm missing something.

This is my filter code:

.filter('reverse', function () {
return function(items) {
    return items.slice().reverse();

This is the code from my view from inside the div:

data-ng-repeat='feed in feeds | reverse'


goofie picture goofie · Nov 19, 2014

To make the array render in reverse and ordered by 'id', this should work:

data-ng-repeat="feed in feeds | orderBy:'id':true"

Let me know if that works for you.

For your reference: