For questions referencing Angular Template Syntax including: interpolation, input(property) bindings, output(event) bindings, two-way binding, local variables, star syntax, etc.
Let's say I got a component with a fixed input parameter type, @Component({ selector: 'fixed', template: '<div>{{…
angular angular2-templateI have component for rendering SVG icon: import {Component, Directive} from 'angular2/core'; import {COMMON_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/common'; @Component({ …
angular angular2-templateI have created an component that contains a element with a routerLink property which I want to set from a …
javascript angular angular2-routing angular2-template angular2-componentsI need to repeat several li-elements in a list in Angular2 for each item. In angular 1.x I used ng-repeat-start …
angular angular2-templateI've a component that takes function as input. I've passed this function from parent. Though the function is called, the …
angular angular2-template angular2-diI'm trying to use custom attribute with angular2 as following <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="{{inst.title}}" data-loc="{{inst.…
angular angular2-templateIn my app I want to automatically set focus on first field of form on component load. Can anyone please …
angular angular2-template angular2-directives angular2-formsRouteConfig class which can be used to decorate a component (@RouteConfig) with routing capabilities has certain route definitions defined for …
typescript angular angularjs-routing angular2-routing angular2-templateI am new to Angular and i am trying to bind the form which consists of text boxes from model …
angular angular2-template angular2-forms angular2-ngmodelI have a case of event bubbling. Example : <td (click)="doSomething()"> <text [innerHtml]="content"> // content of …
angular typescript innerhtml angular2-template event-bubbling