Top "Angular2-template" questions

For questions referencing Angular Template Syntax including: interpolation, input(property) bindings, output(event) bindings, two-way binding, local variables, star syntax, etc.

How to apply ngStyle to :host element in component?

I have something like this: import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'column', template: '<ng-content&…

angular shadow-dom angular2-template
Angular2 trying to slice string object using SlicePipe in template

Ref : Trying to slice first 20 characters of a string object. …

angular angular2-template angular2-pipe
Angular 6 + Popper.js (without jQuery)

I am trying to setup Popper.js to work with angular 5, without bootstrap or jquery. I tried following this https://…

angular angular5 angular2-template angular6 popper.js