Angular Routing is a built-in feature that enables you to create a Single Page Application (SPA) user interface, where users can navigate to different views without having to reload the entire page from the server every time.
I've started to write a new angular 2 project and I found that I installed 2 angular router: "@angular/router": "2.0.0-rc.1", "@angular/…
javascript angular angular2-routingI am using Angular 2.1.2. I have an authentication token (using angular2-jwt) and if it expires my webApi call fails …
angular angular2-routing angular2-jwtWhat are the pros and cons of using: PathLocationStrategy - the default "HTML 5 pushState" style. HashLocationStrategy - the "hash URL" …
url web-applications angular hashbang angular2-routingRouteConfig class which can be used to decorate a component (@RouteConfig) with routing capabilities has certain route definitions defined for …
typescript angular angularjs-routing angular2-routing angular2-templateMy scenario is as follows. I have a menu, with multiple options. Each menu should be shown depending on user …
angular lazy-loading angular2-routingI've created a CanDeactivate guard which returns an observable and it's applied to a component which is loaded in a …
angular angular2-routing angular2-guardsI created a simple app with routing. Links "http:// localhost:4200" and "http:// localhost:4200/mail" work well, but when I try …
angular typescript angular2-routing angular2-routerI'm wading my way into Angular2. My objective is to create a responsive app that loads different components in response …
angular responsive-design angular2-routing angular2-directivesI have a module with the routes of my app. One of this routes is a lazy loading module. The …
angular lazy-loading angular2-routing angular-moduleI have used angular2 and laravel 5.3 in my project. in laravel when user logged in server will be send the …
angular angular2-routing angular2-guards