Top "Angular-module" questions

You can think of an Angular/AngularJS module as a container for the different parts of your app – controllers, services, filters, directives, etc.

Use component from another module

I have Angular 2.0.0 app generated with angular-cli. When I create a component and add it to AppModule's declarations array it's …

angular typescript angular-module
Angular 2 'component' is not a known element

I'm trying to use a component I created inside the AppModule in other modules. I get the following error though: "…

angular typescript angular-components angular-module
What is the difference between declarations, providers, and import in NgModule?

I am trying to understand Angular (sometimes called Angular2+), then I came across @Module: Imports Declarations Providers Following Angular Quick …

angular angular-module
What is entryComponents in angular ngModule?

I am working on an Ionic app ( 2.0.0-rc0 ) which depends on angular 2 . So the new introduction of ngModules is included. …

angular angular-components angular-module
How to declare a pipe globally to use in different modules?

I have a custom pipe named CurrConvertPipe import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core'; import {LocalStorageService} from './local-storage'; @Pipe({…

angular typescript pipe angular-module
Role of imports / exports in Angular 2+ ngModule

I'm learning Angular 2+ and I'm having a hard time understanding the role of imports/exports in an ngModule. More specifically …

angular angular-module
Module has no exported member error in angular module

I wanted to create a feature module which will handle the front end for an upload. upload.component.html No …

angular typescript angular-module
No Provider for CustomPipe - angular 4

I've a custom decimal format pipe that uses angular Decimal pipe inturn. This pipe is a part of the shared …

angular angular-module angular-pipe
"Please add a @NgModule annotation" Error on Angular2

I have made a custom angular2(5.0.x) module that looks like this : import { GuageService } from './services/guage.service'; import { …

javascript angular single-page-application angular-module
Pack/Import a local developed module into a project

I am trying to import a locally developed Angular project/module into an angular application without publishing it into npm …

angular npm angular-cli angular-module ng-packagr