Top "Angular-module" questions

You can think of an Angular/AngularJS module as a container for the different parts of your app – controllers, services, filters, directives, etc.

Getting 'ngbCollapse' since it isn't a known property of 'div'. error after moving components into sub module

Error compiler.js:215 Uncaught Error: Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'ngbCollapse' since it isn't a known property of 'div'. ("][…

javascript angular angular-components angular-module
Angular - Using a component across multiple modules

What I'm using Angular What I'm trying to do I have a loading component I want to reuse across multiple …

angular angular-module
Angular 4 Lazy Loading and Routes not working

I have a module with the routes of my app. One of this routes is a lazy loading module. The …

angular lazy-loading angular2-routing angular-module
Angular router: how to pass data to lazy loading module?

I have the following routing paths for a module of my Angular app: @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ { path: 'documents', data: { …

angular lazy-loading angular-routing angular-module angular-router
How to create a directive to be used in any module?

How can I create a directive without linking it to a specific module which can be used in any module, …

angularjs angularjs-directive angular-module
Use component from AppModule in a child module in Angular X (X stands for 2+)

I have created a small component (LoadingComponent) in the root of my application and declared it (obviously) in my AppModule. …

angular angular-module
Utilizing Multiple Custom Modules in Angular 2 (RC5)

I have upgraded an ever-growing ng2 app to RC5 and have plopped all my components/pipes into one fat main …

angular angular-module
Circular dependency detected in Angular 7

I have the following app structure in my Angular 7 app: AppModule DashboardModule DashboardChild1 DashboardChild2 DashboardChild3 DashboardService AdminModule AdminChild1 AdminChild2 AdminChild3 …

angular angular-services angular-ngmodel angular-module
Angular exported component from module not useable in another module

I am exporting a custom component in my AppModule but can not use it in another module, which is being …

angular angular-components angular-module
Angular Service singleton constructor called multiple times

I am trying to use an app-wide service (UserService) that stores authenticated user details. I have set up some routes …

angular typescript angular-services angular-router angular-module