Top "Angular2-forms" questions

An Angular form is a collection of data input controls.

Angular2 v.2.3 - Have a directive access a FormControl created through formControlName syntax

So I'm trying to make a directive that can manipulate a FormControl. It seems that if I use the long …

angular angular2-forms
Angular2 how to unit test a custom validator directive?

I wrote a very simple custom validor for an input field: import { Directive } from '@angular/core'; import { AbstractControl, NG_…

unit-testing angular karma-jasmine angular2-forms angular2-testing
Angular2 data binding for custom reusable component

I want to have a template consisting of a label and textbox. This template can be reused at different places …

angular angular-ngmodel angular2-template angular2-forms
jit_nodeValue_4(...).$any is not a function Angular5

ERROR TypeError: jit_nodeValue_4(...).$any is not a function at Object.eval [as handleEvent] (AddNewConnectionsComponent.html:42) at handleEvent (core.js:13581) …

angular angular5 angular2-template angular2-forms angular4-forms
How can i export a class to module and import the same in another module in typescript with angular

I have a class(IGeneric) which is exported to the module A and I imported that Module(A) in module …

angular typescript angular2-forms ng-modules
Angular2: Subscribe valuechanges in formbuilder

I'm using ionic2 with angular2 and I have a form built with formbuilder but I want to detect new changes …

angular angular2-forms formbuilder
What is the difference between "mat-form-field" and "mat-input-container"

I created this field in the form: <mat-form-field class="example-full-width"> <mat-input-container floatPlaceholder="auto" flex="100"> <input …

angular angular-material angular2-forms
Angular: Form fields read-only mode

I have some forms that should be editable only by some users. Other users should only be able to view …

angular angular2-forms angular2-formbuilder
Angular2 Component: Testing form input value change

I have a text input and i'm listening for the changes. mycomponent.ts ngOnInit() { this.searchInput = new Control(); this.searchInput.…

unit-testing angular angular2-forms angular2-components angular2-testing
Adding multiple validators to FormGroup in angular2

How can I add multiple validators to a FormGroup. A FormControl can accept an array of validators, however a FormGroup …

angular angular2-forms angular2-formbuilder