Top "Angular-template" questions

Use this tag for Angular questions which are related to templates topics, such as interpolation ({{...}}), template expressions, template statements, data-binding.

Creating a list of checkboxes with ngFor Angular

I have a list of objects that's structured like this: [{item},{item},{item}] I'm trying to create a list of …

angular checkbox angular-template angular-ngfor
How to use createEmbeddedView method of TemplateRef in angular4?

I am starting to learn DOM manipulation in Angular and notice templateRef and its method createEmbeddedView. I am more curious …

angular angular-template
NgModel on Input type file

I'm trying to make a binding to an input field type file through ngModel on the typical Angular way like …

javascript angular typescript angular-template
AngularJS multiple templates in one page

I have an index that serves a static header menu, and below that an ng-view that based on route, selects …

angularjs angularjs-directive angular-routing ng-view angular-template
Event to fire when an angular *ngIf statement evaluates in template

If I have the following: <div *ngIf="user$ | async as user" class="container"> <p>{{}}&…

angular angular-ng-if angular-template
Combine two or more (boolean) observables on single ngIf using async pipe

Without observables I can write the following line in the HTML template: <div *ngIf="(myVarA || myVarB) && myVarC !== …

angular rxjs angular-template
Angular2, evaluate template from string inside a component

It's possible evaluate template from string in a variable?. I need place the string in the component instead of the …

javascript angular angular-template
Error: Can't bind to 'ngForIn' . Angular 4+

this question has already been said but unfortunately no answer worked for me. Here is my problem (angular 5): <option *…

angular angular-template angular4-forms
How to escape single curly braces angular 4 template

I have something like <div ngNonBindable> yada yada.... { ... } blah blah.... <div> Even with 'ngNonBindable' directive I …

angular angular-template
AngularJs Directive - <script> inside template

I have a directive with a template and inside this template I have a <script> tag using variables …

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angular-template