Top "Angular-template" questions

Use this tag for Angular questions which are related to templates topics, such as interpolation ({{...}}), template expressions, template statements, data-binding.

Angular io (4) *ngFor first and last

I am trying to tell whether an item in an *ngFor is the first or last element to style a …

angular typescript ngfor angular-template
What does two colons inside an angular expression {{::}} mean?

What is the difference between: {{}} and {{}} in angularJS?

javascript angularjs angular-template
how to best conditional template show in angular 4

currently, i am practiced angular 4. when a normal user view this then show public content When A Registered user enter …

angular angular-template
Capturing Page Source (HTML Snapshot) After Angular Templating

Quick angular.js question... If I have a webpage with content like this: <div>{{message}}</div> …

angularjs angular-template
Loop through array of strings - angular2

Yet very basic thing, but I am unable to figure out how to display array of strings in html template …

angular ngfor angular-template
Angularjs templateUrl file location not found

I am locally developing a single page app. I cannot seem to load an HTML file as a template using …

angularjs angularjs-directive angular-template
Can you prevent an Angular component's host click from firing?

I'm creating an Angular component that wraps a native <button> element with some additional features. Buttons do not …

javascript angular angular-template
Building a wrapper directive (wrap some content / component) in angular2

I'm pretty new building directives with Angular2. What I want is to create a popup directive that will wrap the …

html angular angular2-directives angular-template
Angular pass multiple templates to Component

I'm trying to create a component that accepts multiple templates as inputs. This is the example I have: @Component({ selector: …

angular angular-components angular-template
Angular Material mat-tree get checkbox values

I'm using Angular Material v6.0 MatTreeModule (mat-tree) with checkboxes. But I'm having a hard time figuring out how to determine …

angular angular-material angular-forms angular-template