Top "Angular-template" questions

Use this tag for Angular questions which are related to templates topics, such as interpolation ({{...}}), template expressions, template statements, data-binding.

Angular 4 - Show and hide components

I have the next components in the same html file. <app-form></app-form> <app-results [hidden]="isOn"&…

angular angular-template
Dynamic template reference variable inside ngFor (Angular 9)

How to declare a dynamic template reference variable inside a ngFor element? I want to use the popover component from …

angular ng-bootstrap angular-template
Angular - ng-template with parameter inside ngIf inside ngFor

I am trying to build this template: <ul> <li *ngFor='let link of links'> <ng-container *…

angular angular-template ng-template
Get reference to a directive used in a component

I have a component whose template looks something like this: <div [my-custom-directive]>Some content here</div> …

angular angular2-directives angular-template
Best method to set different layout for different pages in angular 4

I am new to angular 4. What I'm trying to achieve is to set different layout headers and footers for different …

angular angular-routing angular-template angular-router
Angular 5 - add style to specific element dynamically

I am using Angular 5.2 in my project and new to the angular framework. My component html is looking like this:…

angular angular5 angular-template
Loading relative templateUrl

I've been trying to find the best way to create a modular, scalable angular application. I really like the structure …

angularjs angularjs-directive angular-ui-router angular-template
Angular 5 adds 'ng-star-inserted' in some classes - what is that?

I'm seeing that among the classes added to an element, sometimes there's this 'ng-star-inserted' added as well and I'd like …

javascript css angular angular-template
How to make a if-else Angular template with only ng-container?

I would like to make an if-else statement in my angular template. I started with that : <ng-container *ngIf="contributeur.…

angular if-statement angular-template
How to style ng-content

Am following this tutorial on transclusion However there is no mention on how to …

angular angular-template