Capturing Page Source (HTML Snapshot) After Angular Templating

Code Whisperer picture Code Whisperer · May 13, 2013 · Viewed 23.9k times · Source

Quick angular.js question...

If I have a webpage with content like this:


And I set the model for 'message' such that

$scope.message = "Hello world!"

Then on the screen, the contents of the div will display as

Hello world!

But if I view the source in Chrome or Firefox, the source still looks like this


Is there any way to capture the source of a page after Angular templating, so when I view the source I see

<div>Hello world!</div>

For example, if I am working on a project where I am using Angular to help me with the templating but the client would like the final pages in HTML with no angular, how could I capture the HTML of pages after the templating has been applied to give to this client?


Andrew Joslin picture Andrew Joslin · May 13, 2013

This is a grunt task that takes an HTML snapshot of a page: it will run the page in a "fake" or "headless" browser, called phantomjs, do a run of the javascript, then save the rendered HTML for you.

Here are steps to setup Grunt to do this, from nothing:

  1. Install node.js from - this will install node and npm (node package manager) for you. Grunt is available on npm.
  2. Open your command line and navigate to your project folder.
    • On windows: cd c:/myprojects/superproject
    • On mac: cd /Users/itcouldevenbeaboat/myprojects/superproject
    • On linux: i hope you know how to do this already if you use linux :D
  3. Run npm install -g grunt-cli to install grunt command line tools globally.
  4. Run npm install grunt grunt-html-snapshot to install a local copy of all of grunt's needed-to-run-in-a-project filesto your project, and the html snapshot task.
  5. Create a super simple Gruntfile.js in your project root with these contents:

    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        htmlSnapshot: {
          all: {
            options: {
              snapshotPath: 'snapshots/',
              sitePath: 'www/index.html', 
              urls: ['#/home', '#/about', '#/users/itcouldevenbeaboat']
      grunt.registerTask('default', ['htmlSnapshot']);
  6. Run grunt in your project root, and it will take a snapshot :-)

You may need to start your website up on a server first, and set sitePath in the Gruntfile to point to that for it to work properly.

Look at the the grunt-html-snapshot page if you need help with the snapshot configuration.