Top "Angular-strap" questions

AngularStrap is a set of native directives that enables seamless integration of Twitter Bootstrap into AngularJS applications.

Best way to combine AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap

I would like to combine AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap into a fresh web app. It seems like AngularJS directives have …

javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui-bootstrap angular-strap
AngularStrap close modal with controller

I'm using AngularStrap with bootstrap. I have a modal dialog that uses it's own controller. How can I close the …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap modal-dialog angular-strap
"Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with" but another is?

I've created another question which I think is the cause for this error: Why does the Selenium Firefox Driver consider …

c# angularjs selenium-webdriver angular-strap
How to hide/show same modal instance with AngularJS?

I'm currently using angular-ui-bootstrap $modal to display a dialog which lets the user search for and pick a file. The …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap angular-strap
Onchange event with AngularStrap select element

I want to execute a function when the value of the select element changes (the select element in angular-strap is …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap-3 angular-strap
AngularStrap tabs load html fragment

I am currently working on an AngularJS project with Twitter Bootstrap, and am trying to shift my Bootstrap directives into …

angularjs angular-strap
AngularStrap datepicker looks odd

I'm trying to use the AngularStrap datepicker in my project by following the directions on the AngularDart getting started guide …

css angularjs angular-strap bootstrap-datepicker
Angular UI Bootstrap vs. AngularStrap vs Bootstrap

I have been researching options to using Bootstrap with Angular and it appears to focus on two: Angular UI Bootstrap …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui angular-strap
Unit testing $modal with Jasmine

I have an Angular app with a controller which displays an Angular-Strap modal window during a function call. It functions …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope jasmine angular-strap