I have an Angular app with a controller which displays an Angular-Strap
modal window during a function call. It functions correctly in Chrome, but I am at a loss getting a valid unit test working.
App module and the FooController:
var app = angular.module("app", ["mgcrea.ngStrap"]);
app.controller("FooController", function($scope, $modal) {
var fooModal = $modal({
title: 'Foo',
show: false,
html: true,
backdrop: 'static',
placement: 'center'});
angular.extend($scope, {
makeItFoo: function() {
Controller spec:
describe('FooController', function () {
var scope, controller, modal;
beforeEach(module('app', function ($provide) {
// Stub out $modal service
$provide.value('$modal', function () {
return {
hide: function () { },
show: function () { }
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $injector) {
//set up a new scope and the controller for the test
scope = $rootScope.$new();
controller = $controller('FooController', {$scope: scope});
modal = $injector.get('$modal');
it('should show the modal', function () {
var modalSpy = spyOn(modal(), 'show');
I expect my call to makeItFoo()
to display the modal, but Jasmine fails the test with the error Expected spy show to have been called
. I've also tried setting the show
property of the modal to true
and not calling show()
separately, and I've tried other variants of stubbing the $modal service and injecting it directly into the controller, but it ends up with the same error.
I'm using AngularJS 1.2.14, Angular-Strap 2.0.0, and Jasmine 1.3.1.
Instead of doing these. Create a mock object for $modal
with show and hide methods and set your expectations on them.
describe('FooController', function () {
var scope, controller, modal;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller) {
//set up a new scope and the controller for the test
scope = $rootScope.$new();
//Create spy object
modal = jasmine.createSpyObj('modal', ['show', 'hide']);
//provide modal as dependency to the controller.
controller = $controller('FooController', {$scope: scope, $modal:modal});
it('should show the modal', function () {